Welcome to our new fortnightly NBA Business Solutions 'Learn at Lunch' business training. We are super excited to have this amazing team work from Petridish, and to share their knowledge with you on a regular basis!
Every fortnight we'll be hosting business training with Sharon Byrne. She has been in business training for over 20 years and has incredible experience in all levels of business, from the sole business owner to the International corporate world.
Sharon specialises in sales training. Her energy and her passion for sales will be clear to see when you meet her!
In this training we are going to discuss what Sharon calls "Deep Sea Selling!"
Deep Sea Selling will spell out how to move away from surface level questioning in your sales conversations with your prospective clients. If you want to increase your sales conversions this training is a must for you!
Please see the eventbrite page for more details on what will be covered! (Petridish Members - Please book direct with Kate)
You are welcome to bring your own lunch and eat it at Petridish before the session gets underway. Afterwards feel free to hang around, network with the other attendees and ask Sharon any questions you like.
Sales are limited to 15 seats so please book early. We really look forward to meeting you and we guarantee you will gain massive value, and great entertainment from Sharon's training!
Level 2, Green Room, from 12pm to eat & mingle! Session starts at 12:30pm.