There’s no wrong door here.
There’s no such thing as too early to meet with us.
Likewise, there’s no such thing as too far along.
Startup Dunedin is here to help anyone in Dunedin with an idea. Whether you're selling a product or service, starting a company or non-profit, even if you're not 100% sure yet; we have support available for you.
Meeting with us for the first time
Understand your next steps now!
Looking for some 1-on-1 individualised support? You’re in the right place.
Startup Dunedin offers 15-minute meetings for anyone with an idea. It’s completely free, and can help identify your next steps.
We acknowledge that everyone has different accessibility needs, and we’re happy to support you with anything you require. If you need a different method, i.e. you’d rather talk it through in person, just let us know by flicking an email to
We understand that starting up can be a nerve-wracking process, and confidentiality is often a priority for founders. We take your privacy very seriously - we’ll never share your idea with anyone without your permission. Please talk to us if you have any concerns around confidentiality, or if you’d like to chat with us about signing an NDA, or anything else.
“They were amazing at answering my questions and providing resources, so not doing everything but giving me the avenues to research around my needs!
Great vibes, very understanding and cooperative with what I want to achieve.”