Our Vision

Dunedin is the world’s most entrepreneurial small city.

Our Mission

To support anyone who aspires to start up in Dunedin to succeed or fail faster.

Our Purpose

To make the startup journey easier by facilitating connections, capability, and community.

Our Values

  • Founders are at the centre of everything we do

  • Great ideas can come from anyone and anywhere

  • Facilitation, collaboration, and sharing build a sustainable ecosystem

  • Innovation requires success and failure

  • Entrepreneurs grow opportunities for our community

Startup Dunedin is an initiative of the Grow Dunedin Partnership and is funded by the DCC, University of Otago, and Otago Polytechnic.

Startup Dunedin’s Code of Conduct

By attending any event or meeting at Startup Dunedin you agree to our code of conduct for the space.