Legal Resources for startups

Note: These articles are written by Wade Pearson. As well as chair of Startup Dunedin’s board, Wade is an associate at local law firm Gallaway Cook Allan. These articles are general in nature, so don’t use them as a substitute for legal advice.


How to protect your most valuable asset: Intellectual Property

Blog 01 from Wade Pearson, Associate at Gallaway Cook Allan

What’s the most valuable asset in your business – or your employer’s business? You might say expensive buildings, vehicles, machinery or stock. But often the most valuable assets in a business are the ones we can’t see or touch – the “intangible” assets. In this article, we’ll look at understanding and protecting one of your key intangible assets – intellectual property.


Your first worker: to employ or contract?

Blog 02 from Wade Pearson, Associate at Gallaway Cook Allan

You can’t start a business alone. Bringing your first worker on to the team is a big moment, which can make or break an early stage business. One key decision is whether to employ or contract someone. Getting this wrong can have serious consequences. In this article, we’ll look at why and how to employ or contract a worker for your business.