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Startup Dunedin presents CO.STARTERS

  • Petridish 8 Stafford Street Dunedin, OTA, 9016 New Zealand (map)


Co.Starters is an action-driven, collaborative programme in Dunedin that equips aspiring entrepreneurs with the insights, relationships, and tools needed to turn business ideas into action. The process is run with a small and supportive group of like-minded people led by two experienced facilitators.

When: Next programme starts Thursday 12th April 2018
Where: Petridish, 8 Stafford Street


The course is led by a group of facilitators to help guide you through the process of launching a business step-by-step and demystify the daunting early stages of entrepreneurship. In addition to having access to mentors, we invite guest speakers each week to shed insight on various aspects of running a business. Course participants will be in groups of 10-15 people, meeting 3 hours a week to discuss and share ideas among peers in a trust environment without non-disclosure agreements, over 9 weeks. 

Programme cost is $595.


You will gain the skills and knowledge to start your business as know how to sustain it's growth.

Co.Starters is not an academic exercise; the aim of the course isn't to teach you how to start a business; it is to enable you to actually start one!

Next programme starts Thursday 12th April 2018. RSVP HERE